SUBVERTED is a space for queers and trans people - for music nerds, gender-nonconforming industrial savants, techno queens, goths, cave-dwelling noise goblins, doom-gloom dykes, faggots, trannies, and everyone outside societal norms who straddles the boundary of cute and scary. It is also a space for industrial techno enthusiasts and hard techno allies, no matter their gender or sexual orientation.

At our events, various (queer) sub-communities come together with at least one commonality: love and passion for the darker genres of electronic music.

The party is primarily made by and for the LGBTIQA* community but people outside this scope as well as allies are also very welcome - we only ask you to be mindful of the space you occupy at the event.

There are no rules how you should dress or express yourself. We only ask for mutual respect and acceptance.

We have zero tolerance for any discriminatory behavior or language. Those who do not respect this, will be asked to leave the event.

If you realize you have engaged in behavior that was disrespectful or hurtful, take accountability.

If anyone experiences or witnesses any form of offensive behavior, harassment, or discrimination, we urge them to immediately bring it to the attention to our staff at the bar, coatcheck or box office.

Consent is sexy: Do not touch other people without explicit consent. Respect set boundaries and to seek permission verbally before the encounters. Negotiation must be done with talking and not with touching. Discuss what you want and share interests before acting on them. Respect each other’s boundaries. Remember that consent can be taken away at any time. No means no! Please be mindful of how intoxication can affect your interactions with others and know your limits.

Respect other’s personal space. If someone indicated they would prefer not to be approached or touched, respect their wishes.

Respect people’s pronouns and gender identity. Ask for pronouns, do not assume them.

Queer Darkroom: A darkroom is a space for anonymous and consensual sex and intimacy. Queer, non-binary, trans, and female-identifying are often excluded from said spaces  in nightclubs and bars – ours prioritize them.This prioritization does not intend to exclude anyone – all genders and sexualities are invited to express themselves and their desires, and enjoy this space to meet new lovers in a comfortable and safe environment. All dyke4dyke, gay4gay, queer4queer, T4T, goth4goth and mullet4mullet connections are very welcome to play with each other.

Accessibility: The venue is only accessible via a flight of stairs. There is no lift or ramp. There will be strobe lights. Smoking is allowed inside. The venue consists of one big room with a dance floor and seating area, and music will be heard everywhere.

Financial Accessibility: Entry and drink prices have doubled, making it difficult for especially marginalized people to access and participate in club culture, when it should be a safer space for them in particular. Because raving shouldn’t be exclusive for the rich only, we have introduced the concept of sliding scale (10-20€). The general entry price of 15€ is intended to cover our expenses. There will also be an option to pay the Sugar Daddy price of 20€.The money collected goes to fund the soli spots we offer to our fellow ravers from structurally discriminated and marginalised communities, including but not limited to BIPoC, Trans, Refugee, and disabled people. In case you need a soli spot, send an email to  

Safer Ride Fund: Everyone on the free guest list will be asked to donate 2-5€ (or more) to our so-called Safer Ride Fund which is intended to fund transportation for those who feel unsafe using public transportation and cannot afford a taxi home from the event.

Safer Hearing: Music plays a central role in club culture, but the associated volume can pose significant health risks. Therefore our event has a maximum volume limit and we are distributing hearing protection. 

Stay hydrated: Dancing and alcohol can increase fluid requirements, and inadequate hydration can lead to dehydration, which can cause headaches, dizziness and more serious health problems. Therefore, free tap water will be available at the bar. Try to drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink. Look out for symptoms such as dizziness, headaches and dry mouth and drink water if you notice them.